and Tricks

You have less than one minute to capture the attention of the reader.

Our advice and sample CVs will help you optimize this indispensable business tool!

The famous curriculum vitae! This indispensable element of your job search allows you to highlight your qualities and thus find the desired employment.

What makes a CV successful? The three “P”s. Your CV should be:

  • precise
  • pertinent
  • powerful

You have approximately one minute to keep the employer’s attention. Here is how to do it.


Whether your CV is on paper or online, it must be clear, modest and easy to read. If it seems complex to understand, it could be quickly eliminated.

  • Avoid multiple fonts and decorative fonts.
  • Avoid an excess of dashes, bullets, lines and other graphics.
  • Do not insert your photo (unless it has been requested).
  • Avoid humour, which does not belong in a CV.
  • Do not state your salary requirement, your Social Insurance Number, your date of birth or your civil status.
  • Do not exceed three pages and ensure that the information is up-to-date.
Curriculum vitæ


Use strong words and action verbs (e.g. accomplish, coordinate, communicate, create, conduct, organize, participate, produce, etc.).

Proofread, again and again – a single spelling mistake and your CV could end up in the recycling bin! Make use of all possible resources (correctors, dictionaries, spell-checkers, friend, parents, etc.)


Regardless of the CV sequence and format that you choose, you must highlight:

  • Your skills
  • Your achievements in your previous jobs
  • Your experience that is related to the position that you are seeking
  • Your technical expertise (software, etc.)
  • The languages that you practice fluently

Other categories:

  • Hobbies: You can mention them but be careful how they may be interpreted. For example, you may be seen as a loner if you don’t participate in any team sports.
  • Extra-curricular activities: They demonstrate your interest in achieving complementary objectives.
  • Volunteering: It demonstrates your generosity and your values.
  • References: You can indicate that they will be provided upon employer request.
Curriculum vitæ


Vous pouvez rédiger votre CV en mettant l’accent sur votre expérience, sur vos réalisations ou sur vos compétences. Voici trois curriculum vitæ possibles, avec l’ordre des sections à inclure :

Focused on professional experience

  • Career objectives
  • Professional experience (beginning with the most recent)
  • Education
  • Technical skills
  • Language skills

Focused on achievements

  • Career objectives
  • Main achievements
  • Employment history (beginning with the most recent)
  • Education
  • Technical and language skills

Focused on skills

  • Career objectives
  • Main achievements
  • Technical and language skills
  • Professional experience (beginning with the most recent)
  • Education

Writer’s block?

Don’t start from scratch! Download the DRAKKAR templates and customize them:

Sample CV focused on professional experience

Sample CV focused on achievements

Sample CV focused on skills

Your CV is ready and you want to discuss our job offers?

Service Update

Our Fleet and Dock outsourcing operations will now be provided by a new affiliate of DRAKKAR, Ekkinox! 

Learn more at Ekkinox.com